The High-Functioning Alcoholic

Drinking alone or being secretive about drinking can be another sign of alcohol use disorder. Drinking alcohol at unconventional times—such as early in the day or at gatherings where nobody else is drinking—is another hallmark of this disease. Below are some signs that you or someone you love may be living with alcohol use disorder. These signs don’t always affect a person’s ability to carry out their day-to-day responsibilities. If cravings and withdrawal have become severe, it’s important to consult medical professionals.

In addition, since the impact of AUD may not be as obvious, the person may be unable to recognize the severity of their condition in these early stages. Both residential and outpatient day treatment programs are available for those in recovery. If needed, your doctor may also order blood tests to check your liver function. However, there are individuals that meet the criteria for AUD but do not experience these impacts. You could have AUD even if you are able to keep a relatively normal life if you fulfill at least two of the DSM-5 criteria for the condition. By Buddy TBuddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism.

High-functioning alcoholic

Many people who attend support group meetings experience therapeutic benefits. People who are close to high-functioning alcoholics need to avoid becoming codependent. That means they need to avoid enabling and make sure they don’t become emotionally dependent on helping their loved one.

high functioning alcoholic

Peer pressure and easy availability of alcohol can increase the risk of developing an AUD. Negative life experiences, such as grief, abuse, or living in poverty, can also increase the odds. A doctor can check a person’s drinking levels and recommend further treatment options. Naltrexone taken as-needed, rather than daily, can help reduce binge drinking for people with alcohol use disorder, according to new research. The diagnostic criteria for AUD include symptoms of mild, moderate, or severe AUD, so there is a wide spectrum of what alcohol use disorder looks like.

#8: Getting Upset at Sober Events

If you’re suffering from the effects of codependency, it may be time to take a break or distance yourself from the relationship. Spouses may catch alcoholics drinking in secret or see the emotional side effects of alcoholism. Alcoholic husbands and wives may be emotionally distant or abusive. Emotional abuse includes threats, insults and controlling behavior, according to the Office on Women’s Health website. A person who drinks excessively, whether or not they monitor it, is doing damage to their physical body.


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